Monday, May 20, 2013

37 Things You Didn't Know About Me

May 20, 2013

Getting to Know You – 37 Things You (probably) Didn’t Know About Me (or care to know, whatever)

I read on another mommy-blog an idea to do a ‘100 Things You Didn’t Know About Me’ post on the one year anniversary of your blog. It doesn’t seem like the anniversary of this blog since I put it down for the better part of the year…but it is a cute idea and will hopefully put me back on track for some happier posts. So here goes (apologies ahead of time that none of these are going to be super exciting):

1.       I have a Master’s Degree in Forensic Science. Don’t get too impressed, I work in an office right now, no degree required.

2.       I have one son who turns 2 in August.

3.       I have one husband who turns 40 in August.

4.       I was not born in August.

5.       I have two dogs – a Labrador and a Corgi. The shedding at my house is endless. Lucy, my Corgi, thinks that hell has crashed down upon her in the form of my toddler, who loves to hug and squeeze and sit on her.  Sam, our Lab, thinks that heaven has visited our house in the form of my toddler who loves to feed him Cheerios, goldfish, and half of everything else he eats.

6.       I live in Florida, but happiness for me is found in the mountains, I can’t live in this flat humid swamp forever.

7.       Spiders should all die. I logically know they serve a purpose in our ecosystem, circle of life, etc., but I hate them! Charlotte from Charlotte’s Web is the notable exception here, and she was not real.

8.       Despite my girly hatred of spiders, I find a lot of insects very fascinating. I am pretty nerdy sometimes, hopefully this will be a benefit when P gets older and also likes insects (please, please not spiders though). Technically spiders aren’t insects anyway.

9.       I have been involved with horses and ridden hunters/jumpers almost my whole life.  However, I am decently at peace with selling my horse and just taking lessons occasionally. There isn’t enough time in my world to be passionate about parenting and horses, they are both a major time and money suck if you want to do them properly (in my opinion).

10.   I did gymnastics for about 5 years in my early teens.  I had a love/hate relationship with the sport. I knew it was time to leave when I was contemplating the many ways I could get hurt when I was learning new skills.

11.   I was hyper-competitive as a child. My poor parents. Thankfully I have learned to be a fun-having participant and a good sport as I have gotten older. Holy moly though, I hope I can find a balance with P between wanting him to have that drive to be the best and succeed, but also enjoy the activity FOR the activity and be happy for the accomplishments of others too.

12.   I enjoyed indoor rock-climbing when I was in college.  There was a great gym near campus and it was a relatively inexpensive way to stay fit. Ironically, outdoor rock climbing does not appeal to me as much. Go figure.

13.   I HATE working out at a traditional gym. Gym memberships are wasted on me.  I like staying fit through activities, but doing 10 sets of whatever and running on a treadmill are the equivalent of torture by boredom to me.

14.   When I was 16 I spent ten days backpacking on the Appalachian Trail with a group from my high school. I cried about grape juice, ate instant oatmeal dry and went to the bathroom in the woods. It was awesome.

15.   I wish I knew how to cook! I want my family to eat healthier food and I know that home cooked meals would go a long way towards that goal, but I am not a natural ‘throw ingredients together’ person in the kitchen.

16.   I wish I had more mommy friends. Making mommy friends is a lot like dating, and I wasn’t particularly good at that either.

17.   I definitely have an introverted personality.  I am not totally socially dysfunctional, but I do hope P gets some of his daddy’s more outgoing social skills.

18.   If I could be a professional student I would!  I love learning.

19.   I often feel disconnected from ‘popular culture’ and I don’t understand the reality TV craze of celebrating people who act like awful human beings or who contribute nothing useful to society.  It is alarming as a parent that these are some of the societal hurdles we will have to navigate around as P gets older. When is it too soon to teach them ‘smart is sexy’?

20.   I was born in Ohio and I lived about an hour away from Chicago when I was kid.  I have a child’s memory of living where it snows, but I miss it sometimes.

21.   I love gummy bears. I want to eat better and cut out high-fructose everything and scary artificial colors….but every once in a while I NEED gummy bears!

22.   I can touch the tip of my nose with my tongue. My mom used to tease me when I was little by doing it (but remember I was ultra-competitive) until I spent an entire week practicing so I could do it too. Then it became our random mother-daughter talent. Be jealous.

23.   When I was a little girl I wanted to be a veterinarian (original, I know). I discovered I have not the strongest of stomachs when it comes to gory-type stuff….so now when I grow up (whenever that happens, I'll let you know) I want to work in a microbiology lab. Someday.

24.   I love sleep, but I also love staying up late (more that I can’t fall asleep then a ‘love’ of being up late). I actually had a small mourning period when I finished college and realized I would never again have regularly scheduled vacation/sleep time like when I was in school…then parenthood happened and I realized that I was being a total wuss about sleep and free time up to this point in my life!

25.    I played the flute in middle school and part of high school.  Nothing happened at band camp.

26.   I was Valedictorian of my high school class. In hind sight, I would have preferred to have graduated third. No speech to give, but probably the same scholarships.

27.   I still have my pony that I got when I was 8 years old.  She is a very opinionated old lady. 

28.   J and I honeymooned in Quebec. Sort of random, but it was an awesome vacation (and the origination of the term ‘MoFoo’). We did not like the poutine.

29.   My favorite color is probably blue, but my favorite color palette is autumn/fall colors.

30.   I wish I was more knowledgeable about make-up. I am pretty clueless about anything aside from the light-cover natural look. It would be nice if I could attend a wedding or other formal event and not have to pay to have my make-up done (and roll the dice on looking like a hooker). The same goes for hair…and fashion (I suck at being a pretty girl, sorry J).

31.   I dream of being debt-free. J dreams of all the expensive toys he wants to acquire over his lifetime….and I dream of not having payments, ever, on any toys. I will probably never have my dream.

32.   My ‘bucket-list’ vacation is a cruise to Alaska. There are a lot of places I want to go, but that one is a must.

33.   I enjoy parenthood much more than I originally thought I would. I also love seeing P’s personality grow. I thought I would love the ‘baby’ stage and not love the ‘little kid’ stage, but I am pleasantly surprised to find that I am enjoying different parts of all his stages so far.

34.   I wish I had prettier handwriting. I could never be a teacher.

35.   If I could have one superpower, it would be mindreading. A little creepy, I know, but people so rarely say what they mean, and I prefer to just know the facts and not have to dig through the subterfuge.

36.   Margaritas on the rocks with salt are my favorite drink, but I don’t drink very often.

37.   I am pretty sure this list is going to be 37 things, not 100….100 is a lot!


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Breaking the Antibiotic Seal and Mother's Day

May 9, 2013

Breaking the Antibiotic Seal and Mother’s Day

Well, we made it 21 months without any medications.  This is good.  P has had a runny nose and deep cough that has not gone away for the past two weeks…we were just not moving past this toddler cold.  It doesn’t slow him down, but I know he doesn’t feel 100% either. So we went to the pediatrician today and he said P has a bit of a sinus infection, which is a bacterial issue, not a viral one. Bummer.  Two weeks of antibiotics and we should be good to go.  I know that antibiotics have a good and useful place in our world, I have just become so anti-overusing them that I have to remind myself that this is a good and valid reason TO use them!  We are fortunate to have a pediatrician that is well-versed on the immune system and does not jump to prescribing unnecessary medications.  We have had several discussions on letting fevers and viruses run their course and what warning signs to look for and when medication is necessary. This time it is necessary.

Hopefully by the weekend P will be a little less snotty too.  It is totally true that toddlers always have a runny nose…and it is gross. So gross.  P and I are going to visit my mom’s best friend and her daughter on Sunday for Mother’s Day. J and I talked about it and I wanted to be somewhere where I felt close to my mom, and seeing her best friend immediately was my answer.  I think J and I are doing something Saturday to celebrate and he also got new wheels for my car (don’t give me the side-eye….my poor Civic was looking pretty rough with the one missing wheel cover….we went cheap when purchasing this car and real rims and tires are an awesome aesthetic upgrade!). Hopefully J will go see his mom on Sunday and participate in whatever overpriced brunch his sister sets up for them.  I just couldn’t.  J understands I miss my mom, but he doesn’t ‘get it’. I don’t plan on spending every Mother’s Day away from my husband, but L & A (mom’s BFF and daughter) are family too…you have lots of ‘adopted family’ when you are an only child and all of your aunts, uncles and cousins live in the Midwest…so this is what I needed this year. We are going to have a late lunch at an Italian restaurant that we went to with my mom when A was a baby and then go walk the riverside park near where they live. It will be good, and sad, but hopefully mostly good.

On a closing note: Last weekend J and I had THE conversation….again. It was very bipolar….again. However, we did decide to pull the goalie (no more BC pills) for the rest of 2013.  It should be noted that it took over a year to produce a BFP with P, so this conversation will probably be happening again in January, but for now that is the plan.  At least there is a sort-of plan.  It is sort-of exciting.